“Members’ Show” Artists List

River Arts received 111 works from submitting artists.  Thank you to all the artists who brought artwork in for this  show.  

Public Reception: 

  • Saturday, January 18th from 2 to 4 pm. 
  • Artists are encouraged to bring a treat to share for the refreshment table.  Thank you!


  • Artists who wish to have images published on Facebook and Instagram may send a jpeg to info@riverartsme.org.  Please label your jpeg file with your FIRST and LAST NAME.  Please crop image to show the artwork without a background or frame.

Artist List:

Amundsen, Erik A Nod to Maria Martinez
Anastasio, Paula Sunset Pond
Anderson-Baumm, Holly January (Her Name)
Arter, Debra Music Just Beyond Reach
Aston, Christine Wave & Shoal
Bartlett, Hilary Genesis
Bedford, Marilyn Autumn’s Dory
Benoit, Andre A Tear Shed on the Savanna
Bernard, Anne Fogged In
Black, Stephen Our Spot
Blaydon, Cheryl Nonna’s Bowl
Bouchard, Kathy J Enjoying the View
Bowman, Jane Rough Sea at Long Cove
Brooks, Robin From Here to There (and back again)
Brown, Jennifer Fairchild Maine Sunrise #10
Buehner, Kate Below the Sea
Butke, John Spring Shore #3
Cairns, Allen On Watch
Chop, Walter Golden Moment
Cirillo, Sandi Bamboo Forest
Claffey, Debra Wasn’t It An Aster? No. 3
Clifford, Naya Cape Elizabeth Sunset
Collins, Steven Maelstrom
Connors, Jean Breaking Dawn
Cornell, Amy Daffodils
Covert, Christine Holding Dear
Crabtree, Sandra Morning Walk
de Cesare, Bernadette Trails
de Mauriac, Alice Color Notes
deLesseps, Suzanne Edgewater
Dolan, Dianne Smith Having a Ball, Wish You Were Here
Downey, Beth Winter Peach
Downey, Sharon Ice House Stable
Durocher, Amy Winnegance
Fillyaw, Michael Fisherman’s Point
Fisher, Sarah Calm Anchorage
Forrest, Virginia Oh, the Beauty of Winter
Fortin-Francis, Sally Seas the Day
Garrett, Sue Pizzaz II
Gedanken, Wendy River Walk with Company
Gibson, Catherine A Matter of Time
Gibson, Robert Fire & Rain
Glynn-Woodman, Stephanie Pansy Time
Greene, Heather Cotes de Rhones
Haney, Stanley Autumn Smoke
Heinzen, Mary Ann Mountain Winter
Helder, Jaap Eduard Out of Nowhere…SOLD
Hickey, Jennifer Schoonic Rocks
Horton, Dianne Ebb Tide
Howe, Melanie Dusk on a Winter’s Day
Hunter, Elizabeth Spirit Trees
Janover, Caroline Be Brave
Kigel, Jean Fish Houses
Koehler, Gerd Tri-Form Mono
Lawrence, Christopher Foggy Morning, Acadia
Leaman, Joanne Sometimes I just want to rumpus.
Liggett, Lee Cryptography
Liggett, Sandy Hope Springs Eternal
Lizee, Kichung Bamboo in Wind
Loughridge, Sally Evening Glory, Manana   SOLD
Lovley, Nancy Sea Smoke
Lowe, Leigh M. Listen to the Quiet
Maloney, Martha Bardos
Mantooth, Wendy Reflections
Markley, Penny The Big Red Barn
Marstaller, Nancy Owl Feathers
McNelly, Laura Community…SOLD
Metrick, Bruce Muscongus Bay Sunset
Moon, Michael November Birches
Morris, Susanlora Through the Mist
Morse, C. E. Hindsight
Mosher, Scott Fall Sunset 2022
Motta, Susan Colburn Early Snow
Munroe, Kit Emily Lets Her Hair Down
Muri, Ben Horizon Paths
Muri, Stephanie Dream Tide
Nadeau, Karen Raining Flowers
Nardone, Doreen if only it could be that simple
Nixon, Judy The Bell
Nordstrom, Kate Spirit Boat
Norton, Rebecca Infinite Became an Infant
O’Connell, Renuka What Lies Within
O’Ryan, Linden Keeper of the Stars
Otterbein, John Mechanical Desert
Pacy, Brooke December
Panek, Roger Fossil Fish
Pardoe, Elizabeth Caton Corner, High & Lee
Pealer, Judson Ancient Temple
Pealer, Sandra Red Cat in Sun
Percival, Janet Twenty Seven
Plummer, Irene Geranium & Buttercups with Veiw
Price, Kathy I Fixed the Brakes Myself; What Could Go Wrong?
Ruuttila, Eero Rare Books/Rare Mind
Savage, Ray Meister des Gelbs
Savage, Shirley Z. B. Series #1
Scannell, Frances October Light
Schuppien, Judith Pemaquid Vertigo
Seitzer, John M.T. …red sun in morning, sailor’s warning
Seitzer, Lynne Finch
Sidwell, Susan Orach and Goldfinch
Starr, Elizabeth Larch in Winter
Steel, Joyce Blueberry Barrens in Autumn-Appleton Ridge
Tarlin, Joanne Summer Poppies
Tremblay, Lori Celestial Navigation
Upham, Valerie 211G
Van Derwerker, Alana Night & Day: A Dance
Van Derwerker, Gerritt Designer Bookbinding of Crop Circles
von Huene, Elisabeth Fall on the Kennebec
Warner, Helen Time and Tide…SOLD
Wright, John Red, White, Blue
Zuccola, Eleanor Old Guk