“Celebration” Artists List

River Arts received 328 works from 108 submitting artists.  Thank you to all the artists who brought artwork in for “Celebration”.  

Public Reception: 

  • Saturday, November 16 from 2 to 4 pm. 
  • Artists are encouraged to bring a treat to share for the refreshment table.  Thank you!

Pick Up Works:

  • Show ends December 30th.  Please pick up works during regular hours Tues- Sat, 10 to 4.  Works may be removed in the final week of the show or as soon as possible after the show ends.


  • Accepted artists who wish to have images published on Facebook and Instagram may send a jpeg to info@riverartsme.org.  Please label your jpeg file with your FIRST and LAST NAME.  Please crop image to show the artwork without a background or frame.

List of Artists:

Anastasio, Paula
Anderson-Baumm, Holly
Arter, Debra
Ast, Carol Abitabilo
Aston, Christine
Ball, Deena
Benoit, Andre
Bernard, Anne
Bouchard, Kathy J
Bowman, Jane
Bradley, Patti
Brandwein, Marcia
Brill, Kharris
Bristol, Sally
Brooks, Robin
Brown, Jennifer Fairchild
Buehner, Kate
Butke, John
Cairns, Allen
Calise, Judith
Cirillo, Sandi

Chop, Walter

Claffey, Debra
Clifford, Naya
Collins, Steven
Connors, Jeannie
Corneal, Jan
Covert, Christine
Crabtree, Sandra
de Cesare, Bernadette
de Garmo, Marjorie
de Mauriac, Alice
deLesseps, Suzanne
Downey, Beth
Downey, Sharon
Durocher, Amy
Eastman, Lois
Fillyaw, Michael
Forrest, Virginia
Fortin-Francis, Sally

Garrett, Sue

Gedanken, Wendy
Gibson, Catherine
Gibson, Robert
Glynn-Woodman, Stephanie
Hathaway, Jeanne Bourge
Heinzen, Mary Ann
Helder, Jaap Eduard
Hickey, Jennifer
Horton, Dianne
Howe, Melanie
Karlsson, Gail
Karlsson, Paul
Kigel, Jean
Koehler, Gerd
Kofman, Bob
Laurenzi, John
Leaman, Joanne
Lizee, Kichung
Lovley, Nancy
Lowe, Leigh M.
Maloney, Martha
Mantooth, Wendy
Markley, Penny
Marstaller, Nancy
McCartan, Ed
McNelly, Laura
Monsell, Ruth
Morse, C.E.
Motta, Susan Colburn
Nadeau, Karen
Nardone, Doreen
Nixon, Judy
Norton, Rebecca
O’Ryan, Linden
Otterbein, John
Pacy, Brooke
Page-Conway, Jane
Pardoe, Elizabeth Caton
Pealer, Judson
Pealer, Sandra
Peña, Jorge E.
Percival, Janet
Plummer, Irene
Pool, Joanna
Riley, Rebecca
Rockett, Daryne
Ruuttila, Eero
Saba, Mark
Sanchez-Baños, Julio
Sanftleben, Maggie
Savage, Ray
Savage, Shirley
Scannell, Frances
Schneider, Judith
Schuppien, Judith

Seitzer, John

Seitzer, Lynne

Sewall, Marcia
Sidwell, Susan
Sobin-Jonash, Karen
Starr, Elizabeth
Stormont, Annette
Tarlin, Joanne
Tromblay, Lori
Van Derwereker, Alana
Van Derwerker, Gerritt
Voigt, Roben
Warner, Helen
Wing, Betsy
Woods, Mahan
Zuccola, Eleanor